Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Bunker Rush

The terran bunker rush is perhaps one of the most brutal and effective rushes out of any race in the game. To be efficient in a bunker rush you must know how to modify it to adjust for different races, and different player types. Additionally, you must know how to recover if the rush fails, and how to gracefully and efficiently switch strategies to something more effective to defeat the opponent, see, (The Importance of Adapting). First you will learn the basic underlying elements of the rush and then modifations and ways to recover from a failed initial attack.
The Bunker Rush strategy, in order to work, is absolutely about the finesse and speed at which you do things, attention to detail is critical. A discussion, as well as a line by line build order will be provided. You begin with 6 SCV's, send 5 to mine, set the command center's rally point on the minerals and queue an SCV for production. Send your unused SCV (remember only 5 mining) to the enemies base--This SCV will have to hide in the natural blind spots in the enemies base, he must remain unseen should this strategy work. Attached will be several maps with overlay's of natural vulnerabilities and structure placement locations. Screenshots and gameplay video's will be posted shortly.

Steppes of War, 1v1. Expansions in green/red vulnerabilities in red, defense in blue.

While you're SCV is on its way to the enemy base, continue making SCV's until you have 9 (I bind command center to 3 so while i guide my scout SCi can just hit "3+s." Once your scout SCV is in the enemy base, hug the walls and get into a secure location in the natural blind spots by the time he arrives (undetected) 150 minerals should be available, build a baracks. While the baracks builds you can send an scv at your home base to build a supply depot, and begin building another SCV. Only have 10 SCV's until the supply depot is complete, this way you have 10/11 units and 1 available for the baracks in the enemies base--just incase.
Back to your offensive expansion (red 2.) By the time the baracks is done, you should have about 200 minerals. First, build a marine, then have your SCV construct a bunker right next to the baracks. This bunker serves two roles: It will protect the baracks, and it will guard the SCV as it builds more bunkers closer to the enemies resource harvestors. Continue building marines until you have about 3, put them in the original bunker, and begin building another bunker closer to the enemies primary resource base (or you can modify and put a bunker within cover close to a baracks, warp gate, spawning pool, etc.)
This next part is where finesse and accuracy is critical. At this point in the game, several things are about to happen. It's only about 4:00 minutes into the game, chances are the enemy only has a pylon, supply depot or spawning pool at this point. Perhaps even a warp gate or baracks being built. You currently have 2 bunkers and 3 marines, potentially more queued up on the way--hidden in the back of the enemies base. Your base currently only has one supply depot and it's not sealed off. You wouldn't be able to handle a zerg rush if it where to occur (although you could put significant pressure on the zergs base.) At this point you must decide between two basic forms of development. You can either:
A. Get an orbital command center and call a mule to step up harvesting and really push for the offensive
B. You can build a second baracks at the entrance of your base and begin sealing it for protection (less emphasis on the offensive)
In either case, the harrassment within the enemies base will work as follows. Set the rally point from your baracks to one of the bunkers and queue some marines. Constantly be on the lookout with your SCV for an opportunity to build a bunker in a better location (i.e,. a clear shot on their nexus & probes.) Take your marines out of the bunkers and start attacking vulnerable units which will halt his development the most. For example: if you're playing against a terran player, send some marines to kill the SCV which is building his baracks. While that is going on send more marines to take out his harvestors. If his harvestors mass and try to take out the marines, then pull back and put the marines inside the bunker--lure the opponent to his death.
Follow Through & Victory
Stamping out each effective response and achieving victory

Note: Throughout the following reactionary briefs on end-game strategy with this rush, be sure to follow through with at least some infastructure development at your main base. While putting pressure on the enemy with your marines and bunkers find time to build refineries, supply depot's, additional SCV's, and calldown MULES for resource assistance.

Protoss Photon Cannon Counter

The enemy can react in a variety of fashions, each race will do it differently. Protoss can respond by doing a photon cannon counter. This is effective since photon cannons have a longer range of attack than marines in bunkers. However, if you are producing a constant outflow of marines you will find 3 ways to prevent this counter from defeating you. You must act quickly during this time.
1. You can destroy all of the enemies probes to limit the future production of photon cannons.
2.You can have a patrol track down photon cannons as they are being created and destroy them before they are completed.
3. You can have your marines locate which pylon is powering the forge. If you destroy this pylon, the forge will become unpowered and the enemy will not be able to fend off attack.
Protoss Zealot Counter & Mass Zergling Counter (Strategy Transition 4 Win)
Chances are, if you execute this rush properly, protoss will not be able to get enough zealots to take out your 2 to 4 bunkers and 8-12 marines by this time. However, it is possible that they amassed units and could defeat you (try to prevent this by killing probes.) Additionally, Zerg can mass zerglings very quickly and in clusters they can easily defeat bunkers & marines.
Should your base be overrun there is still without a doubt a way to recover and win. However, in strategy games you must know when to simply cut your losses and change strategies. Assuming you have been developing at least some infastructure you should have a substantial amount of gas available. Once you know the outpost is gone for good lift off the baracks and use it to spy on their base. Also, finish sealing off your main base. At this point, you will want to switch to the rapid-tech mass banshee attack OR sometimes you can combine several banshee's with a medivac marauder/tank drop if playing zerg (this way you can take out things like a "hydralisk den") Refer to Banshee rush (Here) I

Terran Bunker
This is the simplest counter attack to defend against. If you see the terran opponent begin to build bunkers, send your entire concentration of marines to kill the SCV's involved in construction. Eliminate the barracks if possible.

This strategy is an amazing ploy to utilize at the begining of games. It paralyzes enemies in minutes and can get you some of the quickest victories you will ever see. Furthmore, even if the plan fails it damages enemies enough and gives you enough information about their base, time, and a resource advantage over the opponent. If you respond quickly enough, and utilize all of the information you have acquired about the opponents base you can have a powerful mid-game follow up attack and attain victory most of the time.

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